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I enjoy a wide variety of outdoor adventures (as you can see here), but there is some outdoor gear that I absolutely cannot live without, and will carry them with me (or wear them) regardless of what kind of adventure I plan to do.

Some of these items are practical, and make my adventures run more smoothly.

Certain outdoor gear can allow me to fully explore, and be flexible with my adventures, making the most out of my trip or day out.

While others things help to keep me safe and sturdy, so that I do not get sick or injured while in the mountains!

These items are either things that I personally own, outdoor gear brands that have been reliable for me, or specific outdoor gear that is on my wish list!

Okay, so the last item the list is not essential, but they do look pretty cool! 

Wild Child Costa Blanca wild camping
Wild Child Costa Blanca wild camping
Wild Child Costa Blanca scrambling
Wild Child Costa Blanca scrambling

If you want to know more about my adventures click here.

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Want to avoid roaming charges with an e-sim card while you are travelling in Spain? Click here.

Hydration Systems

I cannot go on any adventure without a hydration system. I like to live “hands free” and therefore do not want to be carrying any outdoor gear, such as a water bottle in my hand! 

A hydration system can consist of a:

  1. A backpack or bumbag containing a water pouch with long flexible straw coming out of it, which you can drink water from
  2. A vest containing water bottles that you can easily access while you are on the move.

For me, this is an essential piece of equipment because:

  • It allows me to take a drink of water at any time (such as when I am hanging off a rope in a canyon!)
  • There is no need to stop what you are doing for a ´drink break´
  • Less faffing and more adventuring: No need to take your bag off just to have a drink (which I find that SO annoying!)

Check out these 3 different hydration outdoor gear options…

CAMELBAK LOBO 9L backpack + 2L Hydration pouch

Camelbak is the original brand for hydration systems, so you cannot go wrong with them!

Why the Camelbak 9L backpack is great:

  • The backpack comes with a 2 Litre water pouch, which is perfect for longer outdoor adventures
  • Helmet attachment (for: cycling or rope activities)
  • It has extra stability straps and a breathable back panel, making this outdoor gear perfect for ALL ADVENTURES, but especially trail running and rope activities during which you need to keep the backpack in place, and for it to remain comfortable.

OSPREY hydration bumbag

A bumbag style hydration pack might be better if you:

  • You are doing lower impact sports, such as hiking or cycling
  • Want easier access to the storage compartment
  • You prefer not to have anything on your shoulders or back (tan lines?)

Why the OSPREY bumbag is great:

  • This outdoor gear has a 5 Litre Lumbar Hydration System with long flexible straw
  • The back panel is breathable, so your lower back doesn´t get sweaty.

My top tips:

  1. To prevent bacteria from growing between use: empty the hydration pouch fully, including the straw, and store it in the freezer until you use it again
  2. For a nice refreshing drink in hot weather: partially fill with water and put it into the freezer the night before you need it (making sure you avoid freezing-closed the opening part).

Just before use, fill to the top, and rinse the straw under a warm tap to defrost any water that may have frozen inside.

SALOMON running vest + 2x 500ml water bottles

Not only do I love SALOMON trainers, but I love their range of trail running backpacks too!

Check out this one…

Why the SALOMON running vest is great:

  • This is a super minimalist backpack, the perfect outdoor gear for shorter runs
  • It has a storage area for essentials, such as keys and a lightweight jacket
  • It has a reflective logo on the back to help you be seen in the dark.

My top tip:

To prevent bacteria from growing between use: completely empty the bottles, remove the lids, and store all parts in the freezer until you use them again.

Looking for TOP RATED TOURS in the Costa Blanca? Check these out…

Mobile phone chargers

Another important accessory that you should carry on your adventuress is the ability to charge your devices, via a:

This type of outdoor gear is essential to:

  • Charge your mobile phone, especially if you are using a lot of battery following/recording a route, taking photos, recording videos, etc
  • Charge a rechargeable torch/light while camping
  • Long distance hiking/running/cycling during which your battery will be consumed naturally
  • Multi-day wild camping adventures with no electricity
  • And of course, for emergencies!!
Solar charger outdoor gear attached to bike bag
Solar charger attached to bike bag

Would like to CYCLE AROUND A RESERVOIR? Check out this blog post…

Half/1 day adventure

When I go out for the day or even half a day adventure, I always carry at least a smaller portable charger, which has enough power to keep my phone charged throughout the day

2- day adventure /overnighter

If I am wild camping overnight, then I will take a more powerful portable charger.

Multi-day trip

However, if I am going on adventures any longer than that (e.g. multi day wild camping) I take more outdoor gear: a portable charger AND a solar charger. Both are necessary, because solar chargers only work while it is sunny. Unfortunately, they do not retain the charge.

Therefore, I attach the solar charger to my backpack or bike bag, and use this to charge the portable charger during the day.

Then at night while I sleep in my tent, I use the portable charger to charge my phone/torch/etc.

It is not practical to keep your mobile phone plugged into the solar panel during the day if you are going to use it for any reason, because the repeated unplugging of the cable soon causes it to break, leading to unseen damage whereby it appears to be working, but there is a slow charge occurring, or none at all! A hanging cable can also get caught and physically damaged.

Solar charger outdoor gear outside of the mountain refuge
Solar charger outside of the mountain refuge

Check out these awesome chargers

ANKER High-capacity powerbank (26,800mAh)

Anker is the king of portable chargers. I have used them for years, and they have always been super reliable outdoor gear.

Why the ANKER High-capacity powerbank is great:

  • It can charge most mobile phones 6 times over! (or tablets twice). Top class outdoor gear!
  • Or you can fast charge 3 devices at a time!
  • It comes with an 18 months warranty. Not bad, eh!

BIGBLUE Solar charger

Why the BIGBLUE Solar charger is great:

  • It is waterproof
  • It has 3x USB ports
  • You can attach this outdoor gear to your backpack via a clip.

My top tips:

  1. Be careful to avoid scratching the solar panel when it is attached to your backpack. This can happen when you are scrambling down rocks, or when you take your bag off and place it on the floor naturally with the straps facing upwards
  2. Use extra clips/cord to secure the solar panel to your various points on your backpack, so that the outdoor gear doesn´t move around when you do.
My friendly neighbour at the mountain refuge
My friendly neighbour at the mountain refuge


Carrying a headtorch is crucial piece of outdoor gear.

I always carry a headtorch with me on my adventures, even if I plan on going out for a few hours. You never know when you might want/need one!

For example:

  • Adventures that start/finish in the dark, due to short daylight hours, or simply long adventures! (e.g. long hikes)
  • Night time adventures 
  • Exploring interesting features that you come across unexpectedly, such a cave, tunnel, mine, or old building (you don´t want to miss out on these opportunities, do you?)
  • Wild camping: Searching for a camping spot, setting up your tent, searching for gear, going the toilet in the night, etc
  • Emergency situations…
Paddleboarding at night with my reliable headtorch (and fairy lights!)
Paddleboarding at night with my reliable headtorch (and fairy lights!)

In the UK, I found myself in a risky situation up a snowy mountain when my crampon broke, and I was unable to take my planned route down because it was too dangerous.

Instead, I had to walk down the other side of the mountain and take a much longer route back in eventual darkness. On this occasion I didn´t have a torch!! Luckily, the moonlight reflecting off the snow, and a series of cairns lead me back to safety!

Not only do you need a torch, but it must be reliable. So, it is essential that you invest in good quality outdoor gear.

A SUPER COOL underground place I found to explore!
A SUPER COOL underground place I found to explore!

Check out this swanky adventure flexible piece of kit…

PETZL Headtorch

Why this PETZL headtorch is great:

  • It is rechargeable, but also AAA battery compatible
  • It is super brightt with 600 Lumens
  • It tilts in two directions
Petzl Actik core 600
Petzl Actik core 600 lumens
Petzl actik core 600
Petzl actik core 600
Petzl actik core 600
What´s in the box
Petzl Actik core 600
Tilted upwards
Petzl Actik core 600
Tilted downwards

This outdoor gear is versatile, with these awesome accessories

  • To use it for cycling, you can connect it to bike handlebars in conjunction with BIKE ADAPT.
  • To use it for rope activities or cycling, you can attach it to a helmet with HELMET ADAPT.

You can also use this CARRY CASE to turn it into a lantern or hanging lamp. Perfect for all of your wild camping needs!

Red light outdoor gear used in my tent
Red light used in my tent

My top tip:

  1. For wild camping, a red headlight is more discreet (i.e. others are less likely to see you out in the hills). It can also be good for reading in your tent (or in your bed at home), with a dim light to ease you into sleep
  2. Don´t forget to pack a few charging cables to go with this outdoor gear, if you plan on a trip lasting 2 days or more. 

Looking for Transfers, Long distance travel, Cab rides, Hourly chauffeured car rentals or Delivery services? Check this out…

Water Filter

Living in the UK, a water filter was a necessary piece of outdoor gear, and something which I used almost every weekend while hiking or running.

In wetter countries, it is easy to collect water in the mountains, which is great because it reduces the water (and therefore the weight) that you have to carry on your back.

In Spain, this was something that I used during my wild camping trips to the Sierra Nevada and Pyrenees, where I spent around a week or so sleeping in the mountains, therefore surviving on the water that I collected from streams, natural springs or from melting snow!

In the Costa Blanca, it is difficult to find water in the mountains. However, A portable water filter could also be used for water from “fuentes”/”fonts” (fountains/springs), either natural or man-made, where it states that the water is “no potable” (not drinkable) or where there is no sign to indicate whether it is or not.

Melting snow to make tea!
Melting snow to make tea

SAWYER Water Filters

Sawyer is one of the best water filter systems for outdoor adventurers, and I have owned three of the original versions because they come in different colours! (although they have brought out some other fancy outdoor gear since then!)

All you have to do is fill the pouch with water, screw on the filter, and squeeze.

You also need to clean (“backwash”) it between adventures with a plastic device that is included.

They kill 99.99999% of bacteria and this outdoor gear could save your life!

The ORIGINAL SAWYER water filter

Why THE ORIGINAL is great:

  • It is lightweight and small
  • There is a straw included that you can attach to the filter to drink straight from the pouch
  • The filter can clean up to 378,540 litres of water before you need to replace it!
Wild camping with my SAWYER filter outdoor gear
Wild camping with my SAWYER filter

Do you love WILD CAMPING, in a tent or in a cave?

The MINI SQUEEZE SAWYER water filter

Why THE MINI SQUEEZE is great:

  • This piece of outdoor gear is even lighter and smaller that the original!
  • There is a pull/push drinking cap so you can drink straight from the filter
  • The filter can clean up to 300,100 litres of water before you need to replace it!

Both of these comes with 1x 500ml water pouch, but I recommend the 1 Litre size pouch.

(For multiday adventures, I carry 3x 1L and 1x 500ml pouch. The latter is easier to drink from when I am lying in my tent).

The only downside is that these SAWYER filters are small, so it takes time and pressure to squeeze the water through the filter.

Hiking with my SAWYER filter outdoor gear
Hiking with my SAWYER filter outdoor gear

My top tips:

  1. Be careful not to lose the lids! It is so easy to do with this outdoor gear, because they are small and once the filter is attached you forget about it. One suggestion is to keep your filter/straw/plunger in a dedicated bag/compartment. Then when you remove the filter from it, put the lid in there instead.
  2. The filters also fit onto a standard sized water bottle if you are desperate. However, the pouches are obviously way better: they are super strong, can easily fit into a slim space in your backpack, and when they are empty, they take up no space at all.
Hiking with my SAWYER filter water pouch outdoor gear
Hiking with my SAWYER filter water pouch

GRAYL GeoPress 710L Water Filter Drinking Bottle

If you want to avoid slow-filtering your water, this is a much faster alternative. This outdoor gear comes in the form of a water bottle.

All you have to do is fill the bottle with water, replace the lid, press and drink.

Why the GRAYL water filter drinking bottle is great:

  • There is no “brewing” time: The filtered water is ready to drink immediately!

It only filters 250 Litres of water, but you can replace the filter cartridge here.


Having the right backpack for you is so important. It needs to be comfortable, practical and suitable for your chosen outdoor activity.


You need to consider various things. For example:

  • What size do you need for your adventure(s)?
  • What pockets do you need?
  • What outdoor gear might you need to attach to the outside of your backpack?
Mammut toy I used to carry with me on winter adventures
Mammut toy I used to carry with me on winter adventures

18L MAMMUT lightweight backpack

Mammut rate this backpack as the most suitable for Hiking and Mountain Training, followed by Via Ferrata.

To me this outdoor gear looks ideal for Dry Canyoning, where you don´t want to be carrying excessive weight, and with a design that is perfect for rope storage.

Why the MAMMUT 18L backpack is great:

  • It is lightweight, so perfect for speedy adventures
  • It is water repellent
  • The rolltop closure can give you an extra 2L of storage space if you need it!
  • This outdoor gear is hydration pack compatible…

The hydration pouch is not included but I would recommend getting:

  • 1.5 Litre size – For half day hikes in cooler weather
  • 2 Litre size – For hot weather
  • 3 Litre size – For multiday trips, where you need to collect natural water and carry it with you in the mountains for a longer duration.

OSPREY backpack

This backpack comes in two sizes:

  1. 9 Litre backpack – Good for a day hike/scramble
  2. 30 Litre backpack – Better for wild camping or winter hiking.

Why these backpacks are great:

  • They are lightweight and suitable for various outdoor activities
  • They fits close to the body and is held in place with a lumbar hipbelt which has small storage compartments
  • Hiking poles can be attached. 

My top tips:

  1. Consider what items you need to be easily accessible during your adventure, and place them in the outer pockets or hip compartments of your backpack. This will reduce time wasted during your adventure
  2. Allocate specific compartments/pockets for specific items in your backpack and clothing so that they are the same every time. This will prevent you from having to search for items, as well as making it easier to pack beforehand. This is especially relevant for wild camping!
my SALOMON trainers on a Via Ferrata
My SALOMON trainers on a Via Ferrata

SALOMON Trail running trainers

This is the only brand of footwear that I wear in the mountains nowadays (apart from when I´m climbing, and need to wear specialist outdoor gear while on the wall).

I have numerous pairs or trail running trainers and I love them because they are suitable for many outdoor activities, not just trail running.


When I leave the house to go on an adventure, I often don´t know what the terrain will be like. Sometimes I´m not even sure what type of outdoor activity I am going to do!


For example:

  • When I go cycling, I might stop and chain up my bike to go and explore something on foot. This could involve scrambling up a muddy hill to see an interesting feature that I noticed from the road
  • When I go hiking, I sometimes decide to run, either because the path is flat and long, because I am running out of daylight, or simply because I feel the urge.

You never know when you might need to run. You´ve got to be ready for that zombie apocalypse!

At least I know that I will be safe to move on any terrain: not only on flat trails, but ascending/descending steep mountain slopes too.

Wearing my SALOMON trainers to descend into a cave below
Wearing my SALOMON trainers to descend into a cave below

Check out these outdoor gear recommendartions: one pair of trainers for drier weather and the other pair perfect for the rain

SALOMON Speedcross 5 trail running shoes

These are great for Spain or to wear in dry weather

SALOMON Speedcross 6 trail running shoes

Why the SALOMON Speedcross 5 trainers are great:

  •  They come in different colours (although this is my favourite)
  • They are ideal for ALL ADVENTURES.

These are much more suitable for or wetter weather in Spain or use in the UK

Why SALOMON Speedcross 6 trainers are great:

  • They have a CONTRAGRIP sole for an even better grip on wet, smooth, tough, or uneven ground
  • They are GORE-TEX so they are waterproof and breathable
Wild camping with my SALOMON trainers
Wild camping with my SALOMON trainers

Funky Leggings

If you know me (the Wild Child Costa Blanca) then you will know that my favourite things to wear in the mountains are some funky leggings.

You may have even seen on this blog the recognisable photos of my feet, taken with beautiful scenery in the background, or a view of the ground far below as I dangle my legs off a cliff!

Funky leggings high up in the mountains
Funky leggings high up in the mountains

These are commonly known as yoga pants, but they provide many benefits making them suitable for so a wide range of outdoor activities:

  • They are close-fitting, so they do not caught while scrambling over rocks, etc
  • They are super soft and stretchy so you can get your legs into all kinds of positions
  • The high waist to keeps your tummy tucked in
  • They are breathable, so you don´t get sweaty!
Funky leggings for worn for cycling
Funky leggings for worn for cycling

Check out these beautifully designed printed leggings…

COSEY leggings

Why the COSEY leggings are great:

  • They are super cheap so your purse will be happy
  • They have different designs, but I like these ones: Galaxy, Space Landscape, Black Roses, Trees and Camoflage tree.

SMMASH leggings

Why the SMMASH leggings are great:

  • They are push-up so make your booty look great!
  • The desgns are SO beautiful. I LOVE the Blossom design!
Wild Chils Costa Blanca Climbing
Climbing in my funky leggings

JUNE ROSE leggings

Why the JUNE ROSE leggings are great:

  • They have 2x pockets (I know you love pockets!!)

WITKEY leggings

Why the WITKEY leggings are great:

  • If you don’t like this outdoor gear, you can return them within 30 days and get 100% of your money back. Not bad, eh?

My top tip:

If you also want to wear these leggings in winter (like I do): Buy a pair in thermal/insulated leggings, and wear the funky pair over the top.

Funky leggings worn over thermal leggings in winter
Funky leggings worn over thermal leggings in winter


If you are looking for a guidebook, then I can personally recommend the Costa Blanca Mountain Adventures (multi-activity outdoor adventure book)

It includes routes for the following activities:

  • Hiking
  • Ridge Scrambling
  • Trail Running
  • Via Ferrata
  • Canyoning
  • Sport Climbing
  • Trad Climbing
  • Road Cycling

Happy adventuring!


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